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For sale Farm + Mill and Bakery Complex in Romania

Informacje podstawowe:

Miasto Romania
Cena sprzedaży 43 200 000 PLN
Zasięg przedsiębiorstwa Lokalny
Rok rozpoczęcia działalności 2008
Profil działalności Agriculture
Liczba udziałowców 1
Powód sprzedaży The owner wants to withdraw from the business for personal reasons.
Elementy przewagi nad konkurencją In the case of this company, the competitors do not have much influence on the profitability of the company because it has a very high production capacity and there are contracts with different sales networks.

There are various opportunities for expansion such as: the acquisition of new land, the conclusion of new contracts for the distribution of products.
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ogłoszenie archiwalne
Dodano: 06 sierpnia 2019

ID ogłoszenia: #2698
liczba wyświetleń: 913
Ogłoszenie: For sale Farm + Mill and Bakery Complex in Romania jest archiwalne, gdyż ogłoszeniodawca go nie przedłużył. Na ten moment nie ma możliwości kontaktu z ogłoszeniodawcą. Pozostaw adres mailowy jeśli chcesz być powiadomiony o aktywowaniu ogłoszenia.

Opis ogłoszenia:

For sale Farm Farm + Morarit Complex and Bakery. The farm has land of 1850 HA + all the necessary equipment for work. The Milling and Breading Complex was built with the help of European Funds worth 6.5 MLN EURO. The complex has a very high production capacity, with modern technologies that make very high quality products. The retail market is major, the Owner has contracts with various networks of shops and supermarkets. Buyer fee 0%
The company owns absolutely all the equipments and equipment necessary for the efficient operation of the farm and the complex.

The construction was completed in 2014. It includes: Mill with a height of 8 Meters; 6 Silos; Oven for bread, biscuits, bread, sandwiches, animal feed; 2 Trucks and others


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for Sale Farm Mill Bakery Romania

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